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How does it work?

Twice a week a script runs to grab all the concerts listed on Spotify for each city, fetch the top song for each artist, and then bucket them into a list of playlists based on where and when they are playing.

"This Weekend in X" is updated every week on Monday night with artists playing between the upcoming Friday and Sunday

"This Week in X" is updated every week on Friday night with artists playing between the upcoming Monday and Thursday

How can I get my band added to a city playlist?

Since each playlist is generated based on Spotify concerts, your show will need to be recognized by Spotify.

This is done by registering your concert with a recognized ticketing partner of Spotify.

How to make concerts show up on Spotify (Spotify's documentation)

Songkick's guide on how to post a concert

If this is done at least 7 days prior to your concert you will be included in the automatically generated playlist.

Why doesn't my band show up on the playlist?

Troubleshooting questions:

Is your concert recognized by Spotify?
If not then see "How can I get my band added to a city playlist?"

Is your concert happening within the time range specified by the playlist?
Each playlist is generated for concerts happening within a certain period.
If your show is not within that period it will not show up until the week of your show.

If the answer to the questions above are yes then please send me a message in the form below.
I will do my best to resolve this issue but please note I am one person with a day job managing over 550 of these playlists in my free time.

Tell me what you think

I would love to hear any feedback on how to take this a step further.